Men's Division
Men's Division
Men's Division
Constitution Of The League
The organisation shall be called the London Amateur Basketball League (the League).
The League is a founding member of The London Basketball Partnership Group and is registered with the national governing body, Basketball England.
2 - AIMS
The object of the League shall be to promote and encourage the playing of basketball within the City of London and London Boroughs, not exclusive.
The League will support the development of officials, coaches and club managers.
The League will provide support and guidance to teams linked to the communities in the area specified above.
Any team or/and individual may enter the League subject to the following conditions:
Each team must be registered with Basketball England.
Individuals must be registered with Basketball England.
Payment of the relevant fees for entry into the League competitions.
Membership is conditional on Clubs/individuals agreeing to abide by this Constitution and the League Playing Rules as laid out in its Handbook.
A Membership Registrar shall be kept with the General Secretary or Registrar.
The officers of the League Committee (the Committee) shall be:
a President,
a Vice-President,
a Chair,
a Vice-Chair,
a Secretary,
a Treasurer,
a Technical Secretary,
a Registrar, and
up to three ordinary members.
All the officers shall serve for a period of 2 years, and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM following their term of office.
Officers who wish to resign shall give one month notice to the Secretary.
The Committee shall consist of those persons described at 4.
The Committee shall manage the affairs of the League in all matters appertaining to it, and any which are not expressly provided for in this constitution.
Any other persons may be co-opted at the discretion of the Committee but the co-opted members will not have voting rights.
Subject to the above, each Committee member shall be entitled to one vote at any Committee meeting. The President or Chair shall have the casting vote in the event of the voting being equal.
Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Secretary, or a person they had previously delegated duties, must be present at any meeting.
The Committee shall have the authority to draw up, revise or amend the rules of all and any competition within the League.
The Committee shall decide upon the composition of the League and approve its fixtures.
The Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Sub-Committee to deal with any matters referred to it. The Sub-Committee shall normally consist of the Vice-Chair, the Secretary (Convenor) and the Technical Secretary. No person who is concerned in any dispute of subject of any discipline may sit on the Sub-Committee.
The Committee will have the powers to punish a defaulter in the event of any breach of rule or constitution, following guidance from the League Handbook and Basketball England policies and codes of conduct.
Teams and individuals shall have the right to appeal to the Committee, provided written notice is given with fourteen (14) clear days to the Secretary.
The financial year for the League will be on the last day of the month following the end of the playing season.
The accounting records for this year will be presented at the AGM by the Treasurer and shall always be open to the inspection of the Members of the League Committee.
The League bank account will require the signatures of the Secretary and the Treasurer to pay in or withdraw money.
The AGM will be held as soon after the end of the playing season as possible.
The Officers of the League Committee shall be elected at this meeting once at least in every year.
At least twenty eight (28) days notice of this meeting must be given by the Secretary to all participant clubs and officers.
Each participant club/team must be represented at the AGM, and no person may vote in more than one capacity.
Persons entitled to vote shall be the League Committee Officers and one representative of each club participating in the League. Except for the election of League Committee Officers, when only Club Representatives can vote.
Decisions shall be made by simple majority voting, except for amendments to the constitution. See 9 below.
The Chair of the AGM shall have a second or casting vote.
Proposals for changes to the League Constitution and nominations for posts on the League Committee must be lodged in writing with the Secretary within seven (7) days of receiving notice of an AGM. Any changes or nominations must be proposed and seconded by at least one voting member.
A Special General Meeting can be convened whenever it may be considered necessary by the Committee or on requisition in writing signed by not less than one third of the League members, addressed to the Secretary and stating the purpose of the meeting. Sections 7[c] and [d] will apply at such a meeting.
No alterations to this constitution shall be made except by the voting majority of at least two thirds of the voters present. Section 5[e] will apply.
Powers of interpretation shall be vested in the Committee except during an AGM/SGM, when the President or Chair may interpret alone.
In the event of dissolution, all assets and moneys will be given to other organisations with similar aims as the London Amateur Basketball League.In the event of dissolution, all assets and moneys will be given to other organisations with similar aims as the London Amateur Basketball League.